Keep an Eye Single to God

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Keep an Eye Single to God

Keep an Eye Single to God

I invite you to focus your sight on God. What does it mean to keep your eye single to God and all His glory?

In the New testament, we all know that one of Jesus’ closest followers was Peter. On one occasion, Peter and his crew were  in the middle of the sea in a raging storm. There on the horizon, walking towards them on water was Jesus Christ, who told them not to fear. Then, Peter called out to his Master begging to let him attempt the feat according to his faith. He had only reached a few steps when he paid attention to the creaking boat, the howling of the boisterous wind, the thunderous lightning and he began to be afraid. When Peter began to be afraid, he began to sink.

That happens to us to when we walk in faith. We end up looking at the trials and obstacles, we become overwhelmed, and fear paralyzes us.

“‘But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (Matthew 14: 30-33)

The savior called Peter, “of little faith”. If Peter can have so little faith in the Savior, so can we. What happened with Peter is that he paid too much attention on the things happening around him; but all he needed was more faith to have no fear and to keep his eyes fixed on the Savior . That is what we all need to do. Keep our eyes fixed on the Savior as we draw nearer to Him.

Let us all follow the example of Peter and know that even when we fall short of God’s expectations and cry out for the Lord to save us, Jesus will immediately stretch out His hand and save us all.

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