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“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. How awesome is this place. This none other that the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”(Genesis 28:16-17)

Too often, believers view Heaven as some distant and inaccessible place, with no impact on our life until after we die. But Jacob’s dream show him that there is constant activity taking place between Heaven and earth. Because of that amazing miracles are possible, including breakthroughs, physical healings and restored relationships. Jacob’s encounter with God impacted him so greatly that he declared the spot to be special sanctuary of God presence.

This is His purpose for our life as well. God wants to bless us and make us blessing, not only for our descendants, but also to bless the nations with the Gospel of Christ. What was true for Jacob is also for us today. He opens gates of Heaven in our life through which God pours out His blessings, provision, healing, deliverance, guidance, breakthroughs, joys and whatever else we may need. And once we experience the amazing resources He pours out through His heavenly gateway, we will want to share those blessing to bless and impact others. His love moves on our hearts and we respond by sending out God’s hope, healing and
salvation to a lost and needy world.

The prosperity message is not just about our personal comfort or luxury, it is about manifesting the blessing and abundance of Heaven to be blessing to others. In heaven there is no poverty, sickness, sin or stripe and we should seek first that kind of heaven life style, for our self and what ever circle of influence he gives us.

Bishop Jordan believes that God wants to bless us through His heavenly portals, enabling us to help fill the earth with the knowledge of God’s glory as the waters cover the sea. Souls in eternity will be grateful God blesses us with overflowing abundance. If you want to receive Heaven’s bounty and learn more about your prophetic direction talk to Bishop Jordan.

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