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Start Winning with Free Written Prophecy

Start Winning with Free Written Prophecy

 Receive A Free Written Prophecy

Are you tired of going through pain and mishaps in life? Are you tired of keeping going in circles in your life? Then its time for you to receive a Free Written Prophecy for your life with Bishop Jordan.

Change cannot come until your pain becomes larger than the change. You have to become larger than your pain to provoke change. This is why you need a Free Written Prophecy. Some people have signed up for the “pain management” class. Wrong class! In medicine, when the doctors have exhausted all of their options for treatment and have given up hope, they often tell the patient, “All we can do for you is to help manage your pain.” Well, in life, your pain is not to be managed. Your pain is not to be dulled. Your pain is designed to provoke change.

Pain is a signal that something is out of place. Some people have learned to accept their pain instead of making the decision to change and eradicate the pain. If someone puts your arm behind your back and keeps lifting it, what are you going to feel? Pain. Why are you going to feel pain when your arm is behind your back? Because your arm does not belong there. Many people are in economic and financial pain. Why? Because they just don’t belong there!

A Free Written Prophecy will help you to understand why are you having a pain in your life. The prophetic word will start to give guidance in your life just by believing in God’s prophet. You can receive a free written prophecy by email click on the link Get a prophecy.

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