What prophecy can do for you

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What prophecy can do for you

What prophecy can do for you

Faith is acting without seeing. When you say that you have faith in God, you put your trust in His words without ever meeting Him in the flesh. It is our faith that brings us closer to the one who has blessed us with life. We trust in our faith because of the fruits that it has shown us and the miracles that our God has performed. Without being able to see Him face to face, Prophecy reminds us that God is there, communicating with us.

Many question what prophecy can really do for them. The answer is that prophecy changes everything. For the weak, prophecy can show them that God needs them to be strong. For those that have given up all hope, prophecy can bring them to know their bigger purpose in life. For those that are unhappy with their lives, prophecy can uplift them. Thats the Power of Prophecy. It can change your whole perception of self and bring you to realize that you are blessed and that there is a lot to love about the person that you are today. Prophecy sets us on the path that the divine Lord has set for us.

The Master Prophet has been known to give strangely accurate prophecies. Through his words many have found the way towards meaning in life. Bishop Jordan Prophecy can be a very powerful thing. If you are lucky enough to meet this charismatic leader in prophecy, you will understand exactly what the word of God has etched for your future in stunning detail. Prophecy can lead you towards your greatest form. Open your hearts to the word of God and you will find exactly what you are looking for out of life. CLICK HERE!

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