God’s Plan
“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” 1 Corinthians 15:22
The start of this mortal journey started with a single event: The fall of man. In the beginning, after God made Adam and Eve, for a time they were living in a state of bliss. Wearing a mortal frame of flesh and bones yet not having to worry much about a thing. Seems like they had it all.
They didn’t have to cook, clean or break sweat. All they had to do was pluck and they could eat. Lie down and they could sleep. This childlike and innocent state was what Lucifer arrived at, and for a moment, it seemed as if he had succeeded in destroying God’s plan of happiness for His children, never knowing that he was part of the calculation.
God knew he would come. God knew that men would fall. And it was this fall that paved the way for temporal and spiritual death to enter the stage. The fallen state enabled Adam and Eve to feel not only the good things but also the bad. They were able to also know emotions that were so unfamiliar to them. How would you know glad if you’ve never been sad, peace if you’ve never been at war, relief if you’ve never been uncomfortable? It was a blessing in disguise. Knowing the opposition of things, they were now able to truly experience and know real joy, and we were able to come into this earth as sons and daughters, each with an equal opportunity to return to our Father in Heaven.
This is only one of the first things that we will learn as we keep on reading and studying our scriptures. It is very important to know history, so we can learn from past mistakes and also appreciate how merciful and great the plan of the Creator is for His children. We are loved!