Perfect Timing

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Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing

Have you ever wondered how sometimes things happen at a perfect time? Like just when you’re having trouble with your finances, He all of a sudden presents various opportunities for you in order for you to pay your bills on time? These aren’t coincidences, these are all part of God’s timing. And you realize His timing through the power of prophecy.

Prophetic timing is God’s timing. God is concerned about time. He is the greatest timekeeper the world has ever seen. God does whatever He wants to do in His own timing. He sets up a nation and puts another nation down. He promotes one person, and causes another person to lose his job. Therefore, when God begins to move in His timing we cannot say, “Lord, hold the clock. I am not ready yet. I need more time.” When it’s God’s timing, you have to move whether you like it or not. Why? Because God is orchestrating and demonstrating His will and His purpose in the earth.

Are you ready to experience the hand of God moving in your life? When you receive your prophetic word, you are open to the plans God has for you. His design for your life will be revealed and you will finally realize God working in your life. Speak to a prophet today. CLICK HERE!

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