It’s Time To Stop Watering Weeds & Pull It Away From Your Life

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It’s Time To Stop Watering Weeds & Pull It Away From Your Life

It’s Time To Stop Watering Weeds & Pull It Away From Your Life

Your life is only a manifestation of what you’ve been watering, also known as where you’ve been directing your energy! Let’s look at energy the same way we look at the water for a second. If you took a watering can and watered a garden bed, would the weeds grow or would the flowers grow? The answer is BOTH because water doesn’t have the ability to discriminate between the weeds and the flowers! 


The Lord is showing an impactful picture of you watering the weeds in your life because of what you’ve been giving your attention and energy to lately! The Lord says, this is a season for you to stop watering the weeds in your life and start watering the flowers! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus!



In the powerful story of Jesus and the adulteress in John chapter 8, the Pharisees were busy attempting to persuade Jesus to water the weeds in the situation, but Jesus resisted! 


The Pharisees had a negative outlook! They wanted death and they wanted Jesus to confirm the kill! However, Jesus began to write on the ground not once but twice, and when He was finished, He watered the flowers of the adulteress’ garden called life by redeeming her to go and sin no more! WOW and WOW!


The truth is your accusers are trying to trick you into watering them with your time and energy! There is a list of negative traits of these accusers you are to watch out for because as you begin to expose your accusers, God is going to begin to water your flowers!”


God is WRITING A GREATER FUTURE IN THE GARDEN CALLED YOUR LIFE, in the face of your accusers! You’re stepping into a momentous season where you’re going to master attracting all the good that God has for you! However, it will require a prophetic pulling of the weeds that you’ve spent too much time watering with your attention and energy. Quite frankly, this prophetic process also includes family members! 


Here are the WEEDS you must begin to pull:


  • Pull away from anyone boasting about material possessions or finances!
  • Pull away from anyone who attempts to make you feel envious!
  • Pull away from anyone who uses predatory behavior to destabilize you!
  • Pull away from anyone using hurtful words to make you feel inadequate!
  • Pull away from anyone who uses extreme discipline to show control!
  • Pull away from any who deliberately employs any display to gain a reaction!
  • Pull away from anyone trying to prove they are right when they’re wrong!
  • Pull away from anyone who complains and criticizes everything and everyone, without doing anything to resolve or rectify situations!
  • Pull away from anyone who uses flattery to overemphasize aspects of a person’s character or physical attributes to seduce or derail them!
  • Pull away from anyone who says something that appears nice, while body language, intention, energy, or facial expressions send the opposite signals (passive-aggressive)!
  • Pull away from anyone who gains sympathy by falsely appearing as a “victim!”
  • Pull away from anyone who displays insecure or immature behaviors to gain validation or reassurance!




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