God wants the best for His children. We were born into this world with the potential to become like our Father in Heaven. Therefore, God wants us to make the best choices and stop settling in order for us to get the best in this life and in the life to come. So, what do we do?
If we feel we are not in the place where we should be, maybe we’re not doing the right things and maybe we’re hanging out with the wrong sort of people. Who we hang around with says a lot about who we are. We can change our status.
We deserve more than we think we do. Oftentimes, we’re settling for less. We forget that we have already been justified through the Lord Jesus Christ, who has shed His blood for us. Through His infinite atonement, His sacrifice has paved the way for us to regain the chances we deserve for a good life and a way out of the situations we may not like to have been put in.
We must act! The enemy is bringing us to a standstill to make us even more miserable. He doesn’t want us to win. He is seeking our destruction. Therefore, we must be wary of his traps. He will try to convince us that we are less than what we are and we don’t deserve such triumph, so we end up settling. He will try to put us down in any way possible. But, God will not let him succeed. Our Father is not just standing by; He is effectively giving us everything we need in order to survive these attacks. If we are on the Lord’s side, He will show us the correct way. We must choose to lift our feet and actually go down that trail. Follow God as He leads you, and you will find the prosperity that you truly deserve!